Dows Port Lbv 750ml

$24.99 $16.24

On the nose very intense, brimming with concentrated aromas of ripe fruits such as cassis, combined with rockrose and peppery spice. On the palate, very powerful and full-bodied, fresh and well-structured, packed with flavors of blackberries and hints of chocolate.

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On the nose very intense, brimming with concentrated aromas of ripe fruits such as cassis, combined with rockrose and peppery spice. On the palate, very powerful and full-bodied, fresh and well-structured, packed with flavors of blackberries and hints of chocolate. With a long and slightly dry finish.

A wine of a single year but it is not a “declared” Vintage Port. Whereas Vintage Port spends only two years in an oak cask and then matures in a bottle, LBV is aged in seasoned oak casks and then bottled, when it is between four and six years old. At the time of bottling, Dow’s LBV has completed its maturation and is ready for drinking without the need for decanting.

Over the last twenty-five years, the work done in the Dow’s vineyards and in the Dow’s wineries has resulted in constant improvement to the quality of all the house’s premium Ports.







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