Lalo Blanco Tequila 750ml

$44.99 $29.24

LALO Blanco Tequila represents the truest and purest spirit on Earth, with no barrels or additives, boldly presenting the taste of the finest agave from the Jalisco Highlands.

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LALO Tequila was founded by Eduardo “Lalo” Gonzalez, the grandson of Don Julio. Lalo is continuing the legacy of his grandfather and father as a third-generation tequilero by perfecting Blanco- the true essence of tequila. We are Mexican-owned, additive-free, and gluten-free with only three ingredients: Highland Agave, Champagne yeast, and deep well water. A tequila with true Legacy and Authenticity!

Inhale. Sip. Exhale.
LALO Blanco Tequila represents the truest and purest spirit on Earth, with no barrels or additives, boldly presenting the taste of the finest agave from the Jalisco Highlands.

LOOK at the platinum color, the body, and the texture. FEEL the viscosity and quality of the liquid and notice how the aromas stay on your hands. SMELL the top notes of cooked agave, sweet potato, cinnamon, and a hint of dulce de leche. SIP and experience the taste of those aromas. Sip again and notice citrus and tropical fruit notes!





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