A rich and delicious bouquet accented by smoky notes and aromas of tropical fruit pineapple citrus peel and a touch of clove. The palate opens with a structured pleasant sensation of ripe banana pineapple and spices layered in a smoky finish.
Plantation Pineapple Original Dark Rum
$28.28 $18.38
A rich and delicious bouquet accented by smoky notes and aromas of tropical fruit pineapple citrus peel and a touch of clove. The palate opens with a structured pleasant sensation of ripe banana pineapple and spices layered in a smoky finish.
Spirits Category | Rum |
Spirits Category Group | Rum |
Spirits Size | 750ml |
Spirits Size Group | 750 ml |
Spirits Origin | France |
Spirits Origin Group | France |
Size | 750ML |