The bouquet is charmingly understated with subtle scents of yellow fruit pulp toffee milk chocolate and vanilla bean. Palate entry is balanced nicely acidic creamy cane sweet and warm; midpalate accentuates dark chocolate. Finish is confident and elegant. State-of-the-art properly oak-aged rum. 43% abv 86 proof
Ron Del Barrilito Rum • 2 Star
$33.67 $21.89
The bouquet is charmingly understated with subtle scents of yellow fruit pulp toffee milk chocolate and vanilla bean. Palate entry is balanced nicely acidic creamy cane sweet and warm; midpalate accentuates dark chocolate. Finish is confident and elegant. State-of-the-art properly oak-aged rum. 43% abv 86 proof
Spirits Category | Rum |
Spirits Category Group | Rum |
Spirits Size | 750ml |
Spirits Size Group | 750 ml |
Spirits Origin | Puerto Rico |
Spirits Origin Group | Puerto Rico |
Size | 750ML |